Model 1993Plus FG

Model 1993PLUS

Pete Townshend asked us to reprise and update his beloved Model 1993 guitar and we were only too happy to oblige. The result is the 1993Plus, enhanced with a 1/8 inch (3.1 mm) wider neck, Caribbean rosewood fingerboard and more stable two-piece neck design fitted with a round heel for comfort.

Model 360-12 MG

Model 360/12

The world’s most popular twelve string electric guitar boasts all of the deluxe features of its Model 360 cousin. A standard for recording for more than thirty years, its haunting, melodic chorus has continued to benefit from evolution.

Model 360 FG

Model 360

This guitar broke all the rules of traditional styling when it appeared amid the ‘British’ sound of the 1960’s. Subtly updated through the years, this Deluxe hollow body with its special contour around the entire body perimeter, is still perhaps the most comfortable guitar of all.

Model 330-12 JG

Model 330/12

Basically the same as Model 330 but with twelve strings. It utilizes an innovative headstock design that incorporates both a slotted-style peghead and a solid peghead, thereby eliminating the need for the larger headstock normally associated with a 12-string guitar.

Model 330 MG

Model 330

Careful acoustic research has resulted in the full, rich and warm sound of this popular model. Two single coil pickups on a full size body are accented by a traditionally shaped sound hole. The 21 fret Rosewood fingerboard is punctuated by dot inlay fret markers.